Time travel to the past.


If I could travel back in time, I would like to know the world wars, of course taking the distances, given the danger of the explosions and munitions that were used.

Unfortunately, I could only be an observer witness, since my language skills only reach Spanish, so what I would capture would be somewhat partial of the totality. It must have been fascinating to watch the battalions, German and British destroyers plying the ocean, and of course the landings such as what happened on D-Day. All of this is accompanied by a horrible feeling of hopelessness where men from the most remote areas of the planet such as Siberia did not know if they would ever see their families again. It is important the previous point, because moments like the ones we are living now, where nations begin to invest in the arms industry and tensions are more and more visible, man should have memory, and know what it leads to.

I would have loved to be in Paris and witness a historical anecdote of the philosopher Jean Paul Sartre. In a café in the French capital in 1939 the philosopher told several colleagues that Hitler was a stupid liar who had no weight, that he could never attack any country. Months later Jean Paul was on one of the fronts of the Maginot Line


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