My future job



In my future job, I would like to work in a stable company, which allows me to live without major problems, which gives me the time to have some physical and spiritual activity such as yoga, running, climbing.

Within the food industry there are several interesting companies, the truth is that I would work in the one that offers me a higher remuneration and the time to use it to do more courses or what I have just mentioned. It is extremely important to keep active on an intellectual level, so perhaps I would study another language in an orderly and progressive way.  The field that interests me in food engineering is that of product innovation, that is, creating new products.

As time goes by, most of the products have a high protein content, but innovations can be many, therefore, it is associated to the creativity of the engineer.

The only limit is that the products must be plant-based, and since we humans are omnivorous, I would like to innovate in meat products.

One of my ideas is to mix marine proteins with bovine proteins and see the reaction of the customers, for this I already have some test subjects: my brothers and cousins. I know that they may lie to me because they are close to me but we can try :)


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