My Canaries
About a year ago, I started to breed canaries, some of the most exotic breeds, such as Gloster, Norwich and Belgian. At first it was explosive. I started with 4 of them and now I have 21 and I am going for more since they are at reproduction season and there are many eggs. Of course not all of them reach the final stage, not all are fertilized in the right way. I was introduced to the vast world of canaries by a great breeder friend.
When I visited him, I always had a good time listening to the beautiful singing that these birds do. Not everything is perfect. Every day we must clean cages, change water and give them fruits plus some protein, such as egg. When someone of them is ill, it must be treated with great love and care. Perhaps the most difficult thing happened two weeks ago, when a pigeon, that was born deformed, died. It really broke my heart.
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