I am free
I am free; I
am free to be whatever i want and play a instrument for express my emotions.
My favorite
instrument is the violin. I play the violin from the fourteen years old and
every day and over the years I still learn. A violinist worthy of admire is David
Fiódorovich Óistraj, he was a giant among 20th-century musicians and always I
listen to him on my ipod when ride a bike.
In my house
I have a room of music with a library for scores and a stand and a case for
violin and to my violin I set strings and pins for violin for have great sound.
musical score is a little difficult but with practice you learn rapid. I play
the violin every night before sleep. When I have to work or study want to go
home quickly for play the violin. Too my friends are violinists and the Sunday
let is play together, we are a quarter.
I urge all
to play violin.
I like so much this instrument. I have a very good friend that studies music and his main instrument is this. had you heard to Lindsey Stirling? I like his music.